Our Services

Traffic Signal Installations & Repair
- Underground work: directional boring, open cut trenching, installation of conduit and wire, drilling and installation of concrete foundations.
- Overhead work: traffic signal & pedestrian pole erection, traffic signal heads and sign installation, and installation of control equipment.
Roadway Lighting Installations & Repairs
- Low mast lighting up to 60’ and high mast lighting from 60’–150’.
- Includes installation of conduit, electrical service points, pole foundations, poles and fixtures.
- Bulb, lens, and fixture replacements.
- Upgrade to LED lighting from HPS.
Variable Message Boards and Specialty Warning Systems
- Installation of Variable Message Boards (VMS), radios and cameras.
- Fire Station and School Zone warning beacons.
Detection Sensors
- Detection loops, cameras, microwave and infrared detection systems.
Communications & Weigh in Motion Scales
- Installation and calibration of weigh in motion scales, loop wires and control systems.
Distributor of LED Lighting
- LED lighting for roadways, parking lots and general purpose.
Distributor of LED Lighting & Wire Rope Safety Fence
- Brifen USA distributor of high-tension median or roadside cable (wire rope) barrier systems.
About CM&M
Construction Management & Maintenance (CM&M) constructs, maintains, and repairs traffic signal systems, roadway lighting, and video/vehicle detection systems.
Our commitment to doing the job right is second to none.